Designed to meet the needs of students seeking an education focused on academic success, the curriculum is based on the Victorian Curriculum standards and, within individual classrooms, there is an emphasis on differentiation to meet the individual needs of the students so they can each achieve their full learning potential.
Our curriculum provides the opportunity for all our students to reach their full potential. The curriculum prioritises literacy and numeracy and is influenced by some of the latest research and best practices in Learning and Teaching and by the Victorian Department of Education’s policies on Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting.
Professional Learning is important at Blackburn High School. Staff participate in a continuous Professional Learning Program that ensures their professional practice is always current and they are engaged in the changing methodologies in teaching and learning.
Blackburn High School has five periods a day. Each period is 58 minutes. Students learn in a two-week cycle and the day begins with House Mentor Group from 8:35am to 8.55am.
Year 10 students begin a specialist program, selecting from a wide range of subjects. Students have the opportunity for acceleration through early enrolment in a VCE subject. In Year 10 students select subjects to build up a VCE program that will lead to varied pathways: University, TAFE or the workforce. English, Mathematics and a Science subject are compulsory at Year 10 level.
Year 10 Course Selection Handbook
At VCE level Blackburn High School offers a wide range of studies in the areas of English, Arts, Humanities, Languages Other Than English, Mathematics, Physical Education and Health, Music, Science and Technology.
© 2023 Blackburn High School